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EIRA (Epidemiological Investigation of Reumatoid Arthritis) aims to investigate possible risk factors of rheumatoid arthritis (RA), a chronic disease causing severe suffering and functional disability. It is the first, and as of yet, the most ambitious project of its kind, including both genetic and environmental factors.

The main goal of this research project is to increase the understanding of which factors contribute to the development of this disease. The knowledge gained through this study can be of use in both the treatment and the prevention of this chronic disease.

The EIRA study is based at Karolinska Insitutet in Stockholm, Sweden and is a collaborative study consisting of research groups from both the Institute of Environmental Medicine and the Institute of Medicine, located at the Karolinska University Hospital.


Oral contraceptives linked to reduced risk of rheumatiod arthritis

Researchers within the EIRA-project found a decreased risk of developing RA within the group of current or past users of oral contraceptives compared to women who had never used it.

copy of länk Read more

Certain occupations tied to an incresead risk of RA

An article based on EIRA material indicates that some occupations such as bricklayers and concrete workers

may put workers at an elevated risk of developing rheumatoid arthritis.

copy of länk Listen to an Interview with lead author Anna Ilar

eiraansikten15Project Group

The EIRA project group consists of university professors, researchers, medical doctors, lab assistants and administrative staff at both Karolinska University Hospital and at Karolinska Institutet.

copy of länk Read more

Articles available in PDF format

Several of our published articles can now easily be downloaded as PDFs from our homepage. Find them in the list of publications.

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Follow-up Rheumatology units Articles Affiliates EIRA I and II

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